Hayastan Fund launches fundraising campaign for Artsakh

Hayastan Fund launches fundraising campaign for Artsakh

PanARMENIAN.Net - Hayastan All-Armenian Fund has launched a fundraising campaign to support Nagorno-Karabakh amid Azerbaijan's aggression.

Donations can be made on the foundation's website, as well as via money transfers to designated bank accounts.

For transfers in EURO

Correspondent bank:

Commerzbank, Frankfurt


Beneficiary’s Bank: Acc. No: 400886424101 EUR

Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia


Beneficiary: Acc. 103003249150

All-Armenian Fund

For transfers in USD

Correspondent Bank:

JPM Chase Bank N.A., New York


Beneficiary’s Bank: Acc. No: 001-1-010782

Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia


Beneficiary: Acc. 103003241157

All-Armenian Fund

Azerbaijan unleashed a large-scale offensive against Karabakh (Artsakh) in the morning of September 27, shelling Armenian positions and civilian settlements with large caliber weapons and rocket systems. Armenia and Karabakh have introduced martial law and total mobilization. The Armenian side has reported deaths and injuries both among the civilian population and the military.

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